1. If a hen and a half lay an egg and half in a day and half. How long will it take twelve hens to lay twelve eggs?
2. One ninth is two less than a third of one half of X. What is X?
3. Which number, when added to twelve, gives the same result as if it were multiplied by six?
4. Two trians approach each other from opposite directions. One is travelling at 50mph. the other at 70mph. How far apart are they fifteen minutes before they meet?
5. There is a three digit number which:
if you add seven to it it devides exactly by seven
if you add eight to it itdevides exacly by eight
if you add nine to it it devides exactly by nine
What is the number?
6. A man is standing on a railway line and hears a train coming. He runs for safety as quickly as possible. However, he first runs twenty yards along the track towards the incoming trian. Why?
7. A snail climbs up a greasy flagpole twenty feet high. He climbs three feet each day but slips back two feet each night. He starts at day break on 1st febraury. when does he reach the top?
8. The big hand of the Big Ben clock weighs 1200lb. and the hour hand weighs 700lb. What is the total weight of the hands? The answer is not 1900lb.
9. A man drives to work at 30mph. How fast would he has to drive back in order to average 60mph for the two way journey? The answer is not 90mph.
10. A new laid egg drops six feet directly above a concrete floor without breaking. How is this done? (and it's not boiled)
11. if it takes four men eight days to dig four holes , how long does it take one man to dig half a hole?
12. Name two Olympic events in which the winner crosses the finishing line facing backwards.
13. There are two stalls in the market selling Apples. stall A sells them at three for Rs 10. stall B sells them at two for Rs 10. On Monday each sells 300 apples therefore stall A collects Rs 1000 and Stall B collects Rs. 1500. a total 2500.
On Tuesday , each stall has 300 apples. but this time both stall decide to combine and sell at five for Rs20. at the end of the day, all the apples are sold but they find that they only have Rs 2400 to be shared between them. What happened to the extra Rs 100?
14. If you could fold a sheet of rice paper one thousandth of an inch thick exactly fifty times, how thick would the resulting wad be?
15. Which weighs the most, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold? The answer is not that they both weigh the same.
1. A day and half
2. 12 2/3
3. 2 2/5
4. Since the relative speed of the trains to each other is 50+70=120mph. i.e 2 miles per minute, it follows that 15 minutes before crossing they will be 30 miles apart.
5. 504
6. He was standing 20 yards insidde the tunnel
7. By the end of 17th day and night he would be 3 feet from the top and therefore on the 18th day , i.e. 18th febraury, he would climb 3 feet and reach the top.
8. 7600lb .There are four faces to the clock
9. He would have to drive at infinate speed , therefore the answer is impossible. Suppose the distance is 30miles. Then it would take him one hour to go to work. Since the total journey is 60miles, in order to average 60mph, he would need to return home in no time at all.
10. The floor is six foot one inch below the egg
11. You can't dig half a hole
12 Rowing and backstroke swimming
13 you can't add rates to get to get total rates
14 The rice paper would be 17,769,885 miles thick.
15 The standard answer is that they both weigh the same. But infact feathers are measured on the avoirdupois scale os weights in which there 16 ounces to the pound. where as gold is measured on the troy scale in which there are 12 ounces to the pound. So the feathers weigh the most.
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